Torricelle are the hills surrounding Verona
and offer wonderful views over the city

Le Torricelle quartiere sulle colline di Verona

Torricelle are the hills surrounding Verona and offer wonderful views over the city.
Much more than just a neighborhood, they cover a large green area where you can go for nice long walks.

These are some interesting facts about the hills:

- Where does the name Torricelle originate from? It comes from the 4 towers built between 1837 and 1843 by an architect called Fran von Scholl, who was appointed by the Austrian Empire to restore Verona's defensive walls.

- What are the so-called Lasagne? They're roads built by the Austrians to connect the towers. The central axis of these streets is paved with long and narrow basalt slabs that bear resemblance to the shape of the typical pasta dish, lasagna.

- Are Verona's most beautiful Villas located on these hills? Yes, rich and prominent people have had their mansions built here since Roman times. The area of Valdonega is a splendid example of a suburban Roman villa, with its remarkable mosaiced floor decorated with geometrical patterns and polichrome panels. You can visit it thanks to the archeologists' association Archeonaute

- And what about the Saints? The main houses of most Veronese religious orders (Opera Don Giovanni Calabria, Comboniani Fathers, etc...) can be found here...only a step away from heaven!

Are you tired of the usual beaten tracks completed by crowds of tourists?
From Veronalodge you can easily explore the Torricelle and practice urban trekking!
